Home > One Night Early

One Night Early

October 30th, 2008 at 08:05 pm

For some reason unknown to me, this crazy town of ours has Trick or Treating the day before Halloween! Can you imagine?

So, tonight I will walk the Emmy Award and the Devil around the neighborhood begging for treats while DH stays home and "man's" the door. It is also popular to have the kids tell a joke before they get the candy. Some of those kids have some funny ones!!

Anyone have any good Halloween jokes for my kids tonight? I hope you all enjoy your Halloween....tomorrow! Smile

3 Responses to “One Night Early”

  1. kdmoffett25 Says:

    I love you and you mean a lot to me, but if zombies were chasing us, I would so trip you.

    Not a joke, but still cute!

  2. whitestripe Says:

    ok, i have two which jokes, which i love, only because they are reeeeeeally lame. but they always get a laugh:
    joke # 1:
    a grasshopper wasks into a bar and says to the bar tender: 'i'd like to order a beer'. the bartender looks at the grasshopper and says 'you know, we have a drink named after you.' and the grasshopper says 'what? kevin?'

    joke # 2:
    a man was sitting on his couch watching television when he heard a knock at the door. he got up and opened it. he didn't see anyone there. he looked down, and there was a snail. the man stooped down, picked it up, and threw it into the bush. he went back to the couch and continued watching television.
    three weeks later, he was sitting at his couch watching television when he heard a knock at the door. when he opened it, there was the snail. the snail looked at him and said 'what did you do that for?'

  3. mom-sense Says:

    What did the baby monster say when he was scared?

    I want my MUMMY and my DEAD-Y!

    Kind of lame, but the only kid friendly one I could think of on short notice!

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