Home > Surprise Deposit

Surprise Deposit

December 9th, 2010 at 01:31 pm

We bank with USAA and they provide their members a refund of premiums each year in December. It always surprises me! This year the deposit was $38.64, which is up from last year.

I'm adding this money to our escrow account for routine expenses. We were running a little we are not!

I've noticed that several retailers are sending coupons in emails. I just received $5 from Hallmark towards any purchase. And I think I have one from another retailer, too. I tend to find an item worth the amount on the coupon and nothing else, so the item is essentially free.

6 Responses to “Surprise Deposit”

  1. scottish girl Says:

    That's great Smile

  2. Aleta Says:

    Way to go.

  3. Ideas Says:

    Our local credit union offers cash back when using our debit card. In November each year they send a refund check. This year was a little over $80.00. Not bad for an account that has no minimum balance requirements, no charge for checks, no minimum # of debit card purchases.

  4. Petunia 100 Says:

    That's the sort of surprise I like.

  5. beawealthywarrior Says:

    My USAA payment was $80.I love surprises

  6. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Good surprise Smile

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