Home > Jingle Cash

Jingle Cash

December 6th, 2010 at 10:07 pm

I ended up at Walgreen's today for Nestle Tollhouse Chocolate Chips for holiday baking. They were on sale with a coupon for $1.79. I also had a coupon for $1.25 off three. And I bought three. While there I picked up two rolls of wrapping paper for $1.99.

I spent a little over $7, with one other item added in, and ended up with $10 in Jingle Cash to use next week!! Per their ad, I didn't qualify for Jingle Cash, so I'll just call it my lucky day. Maybe the person prior spent over $50 and just didn't get their coupon.

I hope I can use it wisely on something I might need anyway. One daughter is doing a gift exchange at school and will need a small gift. There are always a few needed items that come up this time of year.

Anyone else end up with free money?

5 Responses to “Jingle Cash”

  1. Ladya70 Says:

    I received a Rite Aid rebate check today for $32!

  2. Frugaltexan75 Says:

    I saw that and was wondering if it was before or after coupons. (spend $25, get $5 JC) good for you getting the free money Smile

  3. Frugaltexan75 Says:

    Forgot to tell you - there may be a swagcode for 14 on Friday. Don't know if it'll be a long time span or short - but it's in honor of Monday night football and depends on who won the swagcode poll (jets or patriots)

  4. creditcardfree Says:

    @FT thanks for the swagbucks tip. I can always use more points. I believe JC is after coupons, but for some reason I got one only spending about $7. Stroke of luck I guess.

  5. Frugaltexan75 Says:

    CF, unfortunately there won't be a14 sb code in Friday. The poll picked jets, and the patriots of course won. Oh well.

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