Home > $90 Left

$90 Left

June 26th, 2010 at 03:00 am

I only have $90 left of my allowance. DH already spent $400, which is double his allowance. He did buy some used furniture over there, so that is a one time investment. Still his spending seems a bit out of control. I haven't said anything to him yet.

Furniture is desk, chair, fridge, several power strips, iron, ironing board, and a scale. There might have been a few other things in that list for about $100. Not bad.

I think I can make it through Wednesday with my funds. I only really need gas. Maybe some different sun screen since I burned a bit today with the stuff I was using. I do need to buy a birthday item for my youngest, but that could wait until payday. Groceries are set.

How is your month going?

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