Home > Today is my first....

Today is my first....

July 15th, 2008 at 12:02 pm

van payment. I've been driving this van for almost 6 weeks and loving every minute of it.

But now, with the payment due today I feel a little dread. This will probably come up every month for me. I just don't like payments of any kind. Of course, I do have some that I understand I will always have, such as utilities. Someday, that is all the bills I would like to have.

So, this new van payment will be auto deducted from our checking account. I signed up right away. I didn't even get a paper statement in the mail. I signed up that quickly! If I have to make a payment to anyone, I love automatic payments. No possibility of missing the due date and incurring extra fees. No stamps to buy. And, it happens the same time every surprises.

Today is payday, too. I expect to be able to start making regular exta payments to the home equity loan now. I'll update on that later.

1 Responses to “Today is my first....”

  1. dmontngrey Says:

    Oh I'm with you there! Just made the first payment on my car a couple weeks ago. It has been quite a while since I had a car payment! I'll be glad when this is done with...

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